Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Case 3

A 71 years old male presented to the office with abdominal distention and shortness of breath. He has a history of hypertension.

On physical examination, He was afebrile, Blood pressure is 112/82 mm Hg, pulse rate is 104/minute, respiratory rate is 16 /minute, and he has severe pallor, with a significant hepatosplenomegaly.

Laboratory studies indicate a hemoglobin of 5.9 g/dl, leukocyte count of 23 × 109/L, and platelet count of 235 × 109/L. MCV of 78 fl,MCH of 30 pg, neutrophils 9.1x 10/L,lymphocytes 6.0 x 10/L,monocytes 1.2 x 10/L, eosinophils 0.3x 10/L, 1x 10/L, basophils 0.2x 10/L, metamyelocytes 4.2x 10/L, myelocytes 1.2x 10/L, and blast cells 0.8 x10/L.

Reticulocytes < 1%. Peripheral blood smears showed tear drop cells, anisocytosis and poikocytosis

What is the most likely clinical diagnosis?

What would you do next to confirm your diagnosis?


Pardeep said...

1) most likely Leukemia, CLL with acute transormatio as blasts are almost reaching to 30%.
2) Bone marrow biopsy, flow cytometry

prabodh said...

1.)primary myelofibrosis/Acute leukemia/metastatic cancer(to be confirmed by bone marrow biopsy).
2.)Bone marrow biopsy.

Unknown said...

1) Myelofibrosis.

2) Bonemarrow biopsy for confirmation.

visitourworld said...

Do a bone marrow biopsy for confirmation

Clinical Medicine said...

1-The clinical diagnosis is Myelofibrosis
Based of the hematological labs,this patient has leukoerythroblastic anemia c/w Myelofibrosis and myeloid metapalsia.

2- Bone marrow biopsy is an appropriate choice to confirm the diagnosis
Remember that bone marrow biopsy is better than bone marrow aspiration.
So in the board if you left with 2 choices ,go with BM biopsy.

Clinical Medicine said...

CML is an acceptable answer as well and to confirm the diagnosis you can check for philadelphia chromosome.